Yahrzeit tefillah devoted to a deceased

The following site is a service that enables producing yahrzeit tefillah to be said when visiting the grave site. The tefillah is arranged and devoted to a specific deceased.

The structure of the memorial tefillah: Choosing the "Name's Letters" tab on the site menu, will present verses from Tehillim chapter 119 by the letters of the deceased first name. Pressing the "Print" button will create a printed version of that part.

The "Full Text" tab menu prsent and enables printing, the full text version of the tefillah.
In order to achieve a nice printed product, the user can define page breaks on the current "Setup" tab, after the "Deceased's Details" form.

The QR Code tab enables you comfortably to share the "Full Text" tab with other participants.

If you are satisfied from that service, you are invited to select the "" tab and follow the donate procedure, to support maintenance and development continuation of that site.
Comments are welcome via the "Contact us" tab.

Deceased's Details (in Hebrew)

First name:
Last name:
Father's name:

Defining page breaks on the printed product:
תהילים פרק לג תהילים פרק קל
תהילים פרק טז אותיות שם הנפטר
תהילים פרק יז אותיות נשמה
תהילים פרק עב תפילה לעלוי הנשמה
תהילים פרק צא קדיש
תהילים פרק קד אל מלא רחמים

תהילים פרק קיט - אותיות השם

To support the continuation of development and maintenance you are invited to donate. Please press the following button:
To send your comments please fill the following:
Please copy:
